Contact Us
Please do not hesitate to contact us for information, or reservations, or comments about this site.
Call Us
You can call us on any of these numbers. A real person will answer 24 hours a day in English. If they cannot deal with your request personally
they will take your details, and someone who can deal with it will call or email you back, whichever you prefer.
- Free from Skype 'lovingapts'.
- Free from UK 0800 755 5058.
- Free from US & Canada 1-800-961-8138.
- Free from Australia 1-800-552-138.
- Czech Republic +42 022 888 0435.
- France +33 1 82 88 99 58.
- Germany +49 30 56 79 4978.
- Hungary +36 17 00 9943.
- Italy +39 066 220 7357.
- Spain +34 93 184 5964.
- Switzerland +41 225 33 1428.
- The Netherlands +31 20 890 8023.
- UK +44 203 150 0475.
Fax Us
You can fax us, to the UK, on this number +44 1404 42069.
Send Us A Message
Please fill in as much as the form as you can. Please make sure that your phone number includes country and regional dialling codes, please also supply
a mobile/cell number.
Write to Us
You can write to us at these addresses. For important letters please send post recorded delivery.
Head Office
Loving Apartments Limited,
Le Bureau,
80 Silverthorne Road,
London SW8 3HE,
United Kingdom.
Registered Office, Reservations Team & Customer Services
Loving Apartments Limited,
Wessex House,
66 High Street,
EX14 1PD,
United Kingdom.
Company Registration: 05732947
VAT Number: GB882247015